World Prayer Today

Welcome to World Prayer Today, a gateway to a global community united every day in prayer. Join our prayer team below to receive daily emails.

It’s time to be BOLD

January 03, 2022

“God wants to act on our behalf! If we would come into His presence with an attitude of knowing He wants to hear, it would transform our prayer lives.” -Dr. J. Vernon McGee 

A fresh start. That’s what Gregg and Steve challenged us with on the Bible Bus today as we begin a new year in God’s Word. And that’s what we’re taking to heart here on the World Prayer Team. So, join us in 2022 as we grab hold of this new beginning and dedicate each day to asking God to reach His whole world with His whole Word. 

Prayer is the weapon He’s given us to fight the darkness in this world (see Ephesians 6:10-20). So together, let’s trust the Lord to engage in the battle for hearts and minds in every country of the world. 

Today we set out on a quick trek in January through 18 regions to survey the landscape of what is to come the rest of the year. Then in February we’ll slow down and focus on one region a week, praying for one country a day.  

Don’t miss out on the privilege of prayer! Together we’ll see God answer and surprise and delight us in ways we can’t imagine. Are you ready? Let’s begin now: 

Father, we are grateful for this new beginning. For this time to refocus us on what is important … and that is You. Help Your will to be our will. For Your desires to be our desires. For Your heart for the world to be ours. We pray boldly for every man, woman, and child to hear Your Word and embrace Your Son, Jesus Christ as Savior. Bless this world and bring the hope of Jesus into every corner of every heart. Give us the strength of Your Spirit as we commit to pray each day and help us to model Your love accurately and completely, to anyone and everyone. In Jesus’ name, amen.

The journey continues tomorrow in Mexico. Grab some fishing gear and come along.