World Prayer Today

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Praying Matthew 4:4 in Central Asia

January 05, 2022

“Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” -Matthew 4:4 

“Our hands do our work while your programs fill our hearts and feed our souls.” 

That’s the sweet story we hear from two sisters in Central Asia. Here’s more of their story: 

“We work as seamstresses. In the morning, we put on earphones and begin to listen. People think we are listening to music, but we are feasting on the Word of God. Christians are not treated kindly in our country, so we do not correct them. Learning about God all day keeps our hearts in peace.” 

Today, ask God for THRU the BIBLE to be heard in more homes and hearts across Central Asia and pray Matthew 4:4—for His Word to become their peace and portion, too. 

Spit upon and called names, a young woman discovers her worth in God’s Word. Join us tomorrow for this great story on World Prayer Today.