World Prayer Today

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God's Word is restoring a family in South America

January 17, 2022

“For whoever exalts himself will behumbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” -Luke 14:11 

If you hopped aboard the Bible Bus today as we traveled through Luke 14, you heard Dr. McGee underscore the importance of putting others before ourselves. It’s a lesson that Eduardo in Colombia is taking to heart. Here’s his story:  

“I am currently in the process of reunification with my wife. Our trials have been long and painful. The only way the restoration of our family is possible is that we both have committed to listening to God’s Word and knowing Him better. I have been very, very selfish. Thank you for teaching all of the Bible; with each new section I learn something new about God and myself. Please pray that from now on I will humble myself before my wife and put her first. This is not my nature, but I know with the help of God’s Spirit, it is possible.”

Yes, thank God for the mirror His Word is in our lives. As we study together, pray we continue to be challenged and changed to live lives that honor those we love and—most importantly—glorify God. 

THRU the BIBLE’s producer in Nepal has specific prayer requests. Join us tomorrow as we travel on our knees through Southern Asia.

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