World Prayer Today

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How does God speak today?

January 21, 2022

“The Bible is God’s communication to man. If He spoke out of heaven right now, He would just repeat Himself.” -Dr. J. Vernon McGee 

Today we pray our way through the more than a dozen countries that make up Western Africa. Stop and meet with a new listener on the Bible Bus. You’re going to love His story: 

“I live in Nigeria and come from a Muslim background. In your programs I discovered a treasure. God actually speaks. His Word is for me today, not just history. I have focused on this program to grow spiritually. My problem is disobedience. I find it hard to apply what I hear, so I ask for your help so that I can obey God. Especially when I am in trouble, I no longer pay attention, I let myself be guided by my thoughts that I substitute for the voice of God, and in the end I suffer the consequences. I need to obey God. Please pray.” 

What a terrific request. As we pray for people in West Africa to hear God speak through His Word, let’s also pray for more of us to obey His Word. In fact, let’s do it now: 

Father, thank You for Your Word that speaks to us and guides us. Give us humble hearts to yield to Your instructions at all times, so that we can be in Your will. Help us to obey You and be willing to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading. We want to glorify You in all we do. In the name of Jesus, amen.

We’re off to Norway next time. Pray with us.

Listen here to TTB-Hausa.