World Prayer Today

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A message of comfort for those who grieve

February 03, 2022

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort.  -2 Corinthians 1:3

Today the Bible Bus pulls up to the book of Numbers. While many people feel Numbers is boring, Dr. McGee disagrees. In fact, he calls this unique book “a road map in the wilderness of this world.”

If you already hopped aboard, then you learned from the first census how deeply God cares for individuals—for those listed in the book of Numbers, and for you and me as well.

As we travel on our knees, let’s pray for the message of God’s love and care to reach more people who desperately need it. People like Naome in Uganda, who is trusting God in the most unimaginable of circumstances. Here’s her story:

“I listen to you every day. You are a lifeline in my sorrow. My son was recently murdered in cold blood. This is my second child to be murdered in just a space of one year. He is survived with a wife and one child. Out of my seven children, only three remain. Please pray for justice and for a source of income. Most of all please pray that the Lord continues to comfort me in this heartbreak. He is the only one who can.”

Today let’s pray for this sister and all those who are grieving. Let’s use Dr. McGee’s words in his booklet, “Death of a Little Child,” to lead us.  

Father we intercede for those who grieve today. May Your comfort be real to them, a sense of Your presence be vital, and Your words be life. We pray You are a strong reality to those who hurt today. Enter into their sorrow and help them to realize You sympathize with them and walk beside them each day. Give them hope as they face the future. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Are you or someone you know grieving a loss? Learn more about how God comforts us when you download Dr. McGee’s booklet, “For Those Who Grieve.”

Want proof God is answering our prayers? Join us tomorrow in Mozambique.