World Prayer Today

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God is answering our prayers in Mozambique

February 04, 2022

Do you ever wonder if God hears our prayers? Do you want proof He is answering them? Join us in Mozambique as we visit with Jossias, who hops on the Bible Bus in his language of African Portuguese. He shares:

“For me God was far away in the heavens. Now I understand that He lives with men through the Holy Spirit. I am grateful for this, because I am unable to live a holy life on my own. Thank you for teachings that have helped me understand so much about God.” 

Keep praying for God’s whole Word to reach His whole world. And let’s thank Him now for the gift of His Spirit. 

Heavenly Father, thank You for sending Your Spirit to instruct, comfort, and guide us in Your truth. As we study together, continue to show us the things we need to learn and how to walk humbly with You. We give Your Spirit free rein in every part of our lives and hearts. In Jesus’ name, amen.

A family in Nicaragua tells us what Isaiah 55:8-9 means to them. We’ll meet you there next time.