World Prayer Today

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God is on the move in Kyrgyzstan

February 15, 2022

 By this My Father is glorified, that you bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.”  -John 15:8 

On our previous prayer travels through Kyrgyzstan, we’ve learned that in addition to being primarily a Muslim nation by faith (89%), Kyrgyzstan’s cultural identity is also tightly associated with its Islamic faith. However, God’s Word is making inroads with the help of THRU the BIBLE listeners like these:  

“I am a minister. My wife has enjoyed your programs for a long time. Recently she invited her brother to listen with her. Once my brother-in-law started, he called me and said that he also wanted to accept Christ and repent. Now we want to distribute your receivers with SD cards to everyone around us. I am very glad that God works like this. May He lift you up even more.”

God is on the move in Kyrgyzstan. There is a lot to celebrate. Today let’s praise Him for this family and all those who reach out in His name. Ask Him to multiply their numbers and grow and strengthen the body of Christ in isolated places. 

We’re praying Acts 17:26-28 tomorrow in Uzbekistan, where less than 1% follow Jesus. See you there.