World Prayer Today

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“Jesus will turn my chaos into … victory for His glory”

March 21, 2022

No one likes their sin pointed out. That’s the message we hear on the Bible Bus today in our study of John, chapter 7. It’s also the message we hear from this listener of THRU the BIBLE’S African French program. He says:

“I was angry at God and at the world. A friend recommended your program to me, and then I was angry at you. But for some reason I kept listening and God’s Word touched my heart. My life was a complete mess. I have no job, I have health issues, I am a drinker and a gambler, and I made many other bad choices. However, I come to bear witness to the deliverance from sin that I have received by hearing God’s Word. Your teachings on new birth and especially on the theme of true repentance changed me. God delivered me from my sins, and it’s been a year now. I still have troubles, but I know Jesus will turn my chaos into a situation of victory for His glory.”

What a tremendous reminder of the power of God to completely change our lives. Let’s pray now for all those in Cameroon and throughout Africa who need the freedom Jesus offers when we believe in Him.

Father, thank You for the new life You offer us when we believe in You by faith. We pray for all those who join us on the Bible Bus in Africa. Help them to let You take Your rightful place in their hearts. Set them free from sin and break the hold of the enemy in their lives. We pray Your power is evident in their lives as they submit themselves to You. In the incomparable name of Jesus we pray, amen.

The needs of our brothers and sisters in the Democratic Republic of the Congo are great. Pray with us tomorrow.

Listen here to TTB-African French.