World Prayer Today

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Praying against the greatest challenge facing the church today

March 25, 2022

God’s people are getting into His Word! Here are a few recent emails and texts from fellow listeners who hear God’s Word in in the language of Lingala:

From North Kivu: “I am a faithful listener of Thru the Bible. The gospel of prosperity has nowadays been given a dominant place instead of the gospel of grace in my area. Thank you for your programs. I continue to tell others who are confused to listen to the truth.”

Near Uvira: “Listening to the radio has become the main occupation of most of us here in the refugee camp. Please pray for us; although it’s been nearly two years since the natural catastrophe that broke up our residential areas, we are living in poverty. When we feel most defeated, your programs lift our spirits.”

From a woman named Sanghe: “I am a Christian but feel neglected by the churches in Congo. The Bible speaks about women and how Jesus dealt with them tenderly, but this has not been my experience. Please tell me more about how God views women.”

From a listener who wishes her location to be withheld: “I am a Christian, and I teach in a Muslim school. My school requires I tithe part of my earnings to them. Does God allow this? Am I sinning by teaching those who do not believe in Jesus?”

In a world where many Christian leaders list discipleship as the greatest challenge facing the church today, thank Him for these brothers and sisters who are faithfully digging into His Word and applying to their lives. Pray more join us on the Bible Bus and ask God’s Spirit to continue to reveal His truth to all those who seek it.

Grab a pair of sandals and a sun hat as we pray along the sandy beaches of Micronesia next week.

Listen here to TTB-Lingala.