World Prayer Today

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Thanking God for the truth of 1 John 5:14 in Fiji

March 30, 2022

Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. –1 John 5:14

Hindus make up roughly 27% of the population in Fiji. Caught in a cycle of worshipping over 300,000 gods, with Brahma being their supreme leader, Hindus try and escape karma in their next life by acts of worship and living a life of moral and ethical uprightness.

Welcome, World Prayer Team. Today as we travel through the gorgeous island of Fiji, we thank God for making inroads in the hearts of listeners like this one:

“I’ve listened to your radio program for the last two months. I am a Hindu, but I have a Bible and I read it. I like how you explain the Scripture, and I listen to it with all my heart.”

Today let’s praise God for His promise in 1 John 5:14. Pray confidently that Hindus in Fiji will hear God’s Word and abandon their thousands of gods. May the truth found in the one true God change the way they think and live.

Papua New Guinea is on our itinerary tomorrow. Join us in the privilege of prayer.

Listen here to TTB-Hindi.