World Prayer Today

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Praying for God’s people in New Zealand

April 01, 2022

Welcome team! Our travels bring us to New Zealand where we focus our prayers today on THRU the BIBLE’s impact as it goes out in the Hindi language. As the fourth most spoken language in the country, the number of residents and tourists who speak Hindi are growing rapidly.

Today let’s thank God for the opportunity to reach this growing community with God’s Word and pray for the salvation of those who hear it.

Father, as Your Word goes out in Hindi today, we pray all who hear it will not turn away from the truth, but will be drawn to listen intently to what You’re saying to them. Overcome the distractions that can be louder than Your still small voice; help them to discern that the loudest voice is not always the wisest voice. Open their spiritual ears; help them to hear You call them by name to be Yours, both now and forever. In Jesus’ name, amen. 

Our prayers are needed in China. We’ll meet you there on Monday.

Listen here to TTB-Hindi.