World Prayer Today

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“Please help!” writes a brother in Morocco

April 21, 2022

Family is the building block of Muslim society. Any action that might bring shame or dishonor to the family unit can be met with a strong and swift response. 

Welcome, World Prayer Team. Today we pray our way through Morocco and lift up listeners like Fares who wants to learn about Jesus but fears his parents’ reaction. Here’s his story: 

“I really want to understand who Jesus is. All that you talk and teach about in your program has my heart and mind in turmoil. I’ve started to doubt my own religion. At the beginning, I took my questions to the Sheikhs. They told me to stop asking and that because I’m of a young age, I should not go deep into such issues. Doubt started to grow.

“I’ve started to listen more and more to your episodes. Although many things I cannot understand, many others make sense and are logical. Please help! I think I want to become a Christian, but my father will be angry and not allow it. Will you answer my questions and lead me on the right path?” 

Today as we pray for Fares and others like him to hear and respond to the gospel, let’s also pray for THRU the BIBLE’s Arabic team who answer their emails, texts, and phone calls. Ask God to protect them, to give them His wisdom and discernment, and provide peace as they counsel those who are making the life-changing and potentially dangerous decision to follow Jesus Christ.

Rejoice with us tomorrow over a surprising text from Libya. 

Listen here to TTB-Taqbaylit and TTB-Arabic.