World Prayer Today

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A surprising text from Libya

April 22, 2022

“I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you.” -Ezekiel 36:26

Traveling the world together on our knees and seeing God change the lives of His people—especially in places surprisingly hostile to the gospel—is such a privilege. So today, rejoice in this text from Isam in Libya who tells us:

“God’s Word is the reason for my salvation, for my new heart and my new life. Thank you for letting me hear it. You are my only source of fellowship and understanding in my faith. Please pray for me to know Jesus better and someday for me to be able to worship with other believers.”

What a great request. Today thank God for His promise in Ezekiel 36:26 and pray His Word reaches more Libyans as it goes out on THRU the BIBLE. While we’re at it, let’s also ask Him to encourage our isolated brothers and sisters like Isam. Through His Word, may He strengthen and encourage them to follow Him in some of the most spiritually dark corners of the world.

We’ve got some great encouragement from South America next week. We can’t wait to meet you there.

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