World Prayer Today

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It’s time to get excited about God’s Word

April 28, 2022

But let all those rejoice who put their trust in You; let them ever shout for joy, because You defend them; let those also who love Your namebe joyful in You. -Psalm 5:11

As we study God’s Word together, we’re learning there is a time to bow and worship God, a time to sing and praise Him, and a time to shout in excitement and praise to Him.

Welcome to Brazil where today we meet with Iolanda who shares her enthusiasm for all she’s learning on the Bible Bus.

“God’s Word is energizing. I'd like to spend all day listening, but I have my work to do. Whenever I hear you teach, God’s Word moves me and my heart races so much. I often sing and shout ‘Hallelujah’ when you read from Scripture directly. I hope others are, too. All that we learn is exciting, and I cherish each study. Please pray for me, because I want to be holy because God is holy.”

Isn’t her enthusiasm wonderful? Today pray God’s Word energizes all those who study with us. May God’s joy be ours and our love for Him be obvious to those we meet.

A father and mother in Uruguay leave a huge inheritance to their children. Hear this great story tomorrow as we travel together on our knees.

Listen here to TTB-Brazilian Portuguese.