World Prayer Today

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May is special at THRU the BIBLE—find out why

May 02, 2022

The Lord is near to all who call upon Him,to all who call upon Him in truth. -Psalm 145:18

Have you hopped aboard the Bible Bus today? If so, you heard Gregg and Steve announce it’s Letter Month—a special time of year we set aside to hear from you about what God is doing in your lives as we travel through His Word.

In this tradition, this week on World Prayer Today we celebrate stories from our fellow prayer team members about what God is doing in lives not only as we study His Word together, but also as we faithfully pray for His Word to reach His whole world. Our first stop is in Detroit, Michigan, where Jaqueline encourages us by saying:

Thank you for taking the whole Word to the whole world. Thanks for allowing me to come along with you. I rejoice at the letters that are being shared and the lives that are changing. People around the world are hearing the gospel and making a decision for Christ. Churches underground and above are springing up everywhere. God’s name is being glorified. However, there is still more work to be done. And I want to come along on that as well. I’m praying continuously for this ministry and all the Bible Bus riders. Please pray for me as well.”

Join Jaqueline in rejoicing that God’s name is being glorified and that He is changing lives through His Word. As we celebrate, let’s also pray for our fellow World Prayer Team members. When we call upon Him today, may we each sense that He hears and He blesses His people when they pray.

How is God using your faithfulness in praying for His people in your life? Email [email protected] and tell us about it.

Join us tomorrow as the journey continues.