World Prayer Today

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The most important question you can ask

June 22, 2022

“Jesus says, ‘I am the door. If anyone enters by Me, He will be saved.’ All anyone has to do is enter.” -Dr. J. Vernon McGee

“Who is Jesus?” It’s one of the most common questions we get from listeners all over the world. Recently we heard it from a listener in France. Here’s his story:

“I grew up in a family with no faith. A series of unfortunate incidents made me question life and its purpose. That’s when I began to listen to your teaching. I’m a bit confused, as you speak of Jesus in books that don’t refer to Him. Can you tell me more? Who is He? Why did He speak in so many parables? I seem to be missing something.”

Pray today for THRU the BIBLE’s French producer, ​Jacques Iosti, and the entire team who answer questions like this one. Ask God to give them wisdom, humility, and joy as they share His Word and guide the hearts of His people in France.

Know someone who has questions about Jesus? Download Dr. McGee’s free digital booklet, “The Most Important Question: Who is Jesus?” and share it today.

A listener in the Netherlands finds a light in the night. Pray with us tomorrow on World Prayer Today.

Listen here to TTB-French.