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The sweet assurance of salvation
September 07, 2022
“Christ’s work of redemption is adequate enough to secure the perfect salvation for the sinner who trusts Him.” -Dr. J. Vernon McGee
God’s Word is filled with promises of why we can trust Him with our lives. Tabita in Pakistan said hearing them changed her life. She writes:
“As a teenager, I was far away from God and uncomfortable with my daily existence. Then a neighbor asked me to visit a listening group where I heard God’s offer to save me. At first, this seemed too good to be true, but the idea was intriguing. Little by little, learning about how Jesus Christ died and rose from the dead changed my life. I felt a quest for salvation within me. I began reading the Bible and soon I repented from all my sins.
“At age 18 I was baptized in water. Now I have the wonderful experience of having surety that I am a saved person. I know I am God’s child, and I am assured He loves me. What a sweet, sweet gift. I pray others hear about Him through you and come before Jesus with humility.”
More than 99% of Pakistanis are unreached with the gospel. As God’s Word goes out on THRU the BIBLE, let’s join Tabita in praying more will confess the Lord Jesus with their mouths, believe in their hearts that God raised Him from the dead, and are saved (Romans 10:9). Ask God for the sweet assurance of salvation to become theirs today.
Hear more about the good things God is doing in Pakistan when you hop aboard the Bible Bus today. And be sure to join us tomorrow as we pray our way through the Indian state of Odisha.
Listen here to TTB-Punjabi and TTB-Sindhi.