World Prayer Today

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Praying for addicts in Armenia and around the world

September 12, 2022

As we’ve traveled the world together, we’ve learned that helping a child or loved one through addiction can be one of the most devastating things we can experience. Today we hear from Ani in Armenia who asks us to pray for his son:

“Please pray for my 20-year-old son to be able to give up his drug addiction. His name is Albert. I feel helpless and hopeless, but I know that nothing is impossible for God. Thank you for a place to go with my requests, knowing others will be on their knees for him.”

It’s estimated 35 million people world-wide have substance abuse issues, and only one in seven receive treatment. Today pray for all those on the Bible Bus who are slaves to drugs and alcohol as well as the people who love them. Ask God to free them from their addiction, turn their weaknesses into strength, and bring hope and healing to their hurting family members. As Ani said, “Nothing is impossible for God.” Believe it today as we pray.

A listener in Syria is asking all the right questions. Join us tomorrow as our prayer journey continues.

Listen here to TTB-Armenian.