World Prayer Today

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From Syria: “What is salvation? How can obtain it?”

September 13, 2022

“What is salvation? How can obtain it?”

That’s the short text we recently received from a listener in Syria. This is great news! If you recall from previous prayer treks, Islam is the religion of 87% of Syrians. Before the infiltration of the Islamic State and the bloody civil war that followed, Syrian Christians enjoyed more freedom and stability than many of the surrounding nations. But today it’s one of the top 10 most persecuted nations on earth. Even though the public threat of ISIS has largely subsided, Christians in Syria still wrestle with daily persecution that may become violent.

Today as we thank God for all those hopping aboard the Bible Bus in this war-torn nation, let’s pray for their safety:

Father, we’re grateful for Your Word that brings truth and hope across Syria. We ask you to multiply the good news of Jesus far and wide, and guide those who share it in Your paths.

As more hear the truth and leave Islam to follow Him, protect them, too. Raise their spirits when daily life seems frightening and impossible. Increase their love for Your Son daily as they study Your Word. Comfort them with the truth that they are not alone as they face hardships for their faith. In the precious name of Your Son, Jesus Christ, amen.

Over 95% of Iraqis are Muslim, and more than 98% remain unreached by the gospel. Pray with us tomorrow as our World Prayer Team continues to journey through the Middle East.

Listen here to TTB-Arabic.