World Prayer Today

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Hearts in Liberia are renewed and refreshed by God’s Word

September 26, 2022

I rejoice at Your word as one who finds great treasure. -Psalm 119:162

Welcome, World Prayer Team. On previous travels through Liberia we’ve learned that life can be hard. Widespread poverty, sex trafficking, a low rate of literacy, and a shortage of access to clean drinking water are just a few of the problems Liberians face. So today as we come before the Lord, let’s thank Him for hearts like this one that have been renewed and refreshed by His Word:

“I enjoy listening to your programs. Each time I am inspired! I want to know all I can about Jesus. My heart overflows with happiness when I am studying with you. I do not feel this way the rest of the entire day and wait patiently until you return.”

Keep praying, team! Ask God to meet the physical needs of the Liberian people and pray more draw close to Him so they, too, may find joy in spending time in His Word.

We’ve got a new brother in Togo, so rejoice with us tomorrow.

Listen here to TTB-African English.