World Prayer Today

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We’ve got a new brother in Togo

September 27, 2022

We’ve got some celebrating to do in Togo today. Rejoice with us over this new brother who writes:

After listening to your teachings, I decided to obey God, to put my trust in Him alone, and I handed my life over to Him. That is why I am writing to you today. Please pray for me as I begin a new life. May God guide me for the rest of my days.”

What a great email. Let’s come before the Lord and pray for this brother and all those hearing God’s Word in Togo today.

Father, thank You that once we’re saved, we are sealed by the Holy Spirit. We know it’s our choice now whether we grow or not in our faith. Help us to seek You in Your Word. We pray for our new brothers and sisters who join us on the Bible Bus. Help them to study with us regularly, grow in their faith, draw closer to You, and become more like Jesus Christ. We also pray for those who join us who don’t yet know You. May Your Spirit speak to their hearts and change their minds so they’re no longer indifferent to You. Thank You, Lord, that You want everyone to come to the knowledge of truth. May today be that day for all on the Bible Bus with us who are seeking You. In Jesus name, amen.

Want to invite a friend (or 10!) to join us as we study God’s Word? We want to make it easy. Request a pack of Bible Bus passes today—just call us at 1-800-65-BIBLE or send an email to [email protected].

Tomorrow we’re praying for the safety of believers in Nigeria. Your participation is needed.

Listen here to TTB-African French.