World Prayer Today

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Your prayers are needed in Nigeria

September 28, 2022

It’s not easy or always safe or simple to leave Islam and choose to follow Jesus. Today let’s pray for listeners like this one in Nigeria who courageously accept Jesus as their Lord, despite the consequences:

“I have no church to attend because I am a from a Muslim family. I listen to THRU the BIBLE as my worship because I cannot come out to say I am now a Christian. My family will not allow it. Please pray for me and for them. May God become the center of all we do.”

What a great request. As we pray for the safety and spiritual growth of this listener and all those who are Muslim background believers, let’s ask God to be at the center of all we do, too. May His ways be ours every day.

A listener in Benin overcomes his problems with anger. Hear more of his story tomorrow.

Listen here to TTB-Yoruba.