World Prayer Today

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Freedom from anger

September 29, 2022

So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath. -James 1:9

When life knocks us down, it’s easy to harbor anger and resentment about the things that have happened. In fact, anger is a key theme in Scripture, especially in the book of Proverbs and in the letters written by Paul and James. It’s also a recurring theme for many of us. Here’s what one listener in Benin recently shared:

“Before I studied the Word of God, I was a slave to anger and resentment. All the means put in place for any kind of liberation were doomed to failure. I have been a faithful listener of your Fongbe programs for a long time. Although I regularly listened, I was always dominated by anger. Then, discouragement started to get to me.

“One day, during your teaching on the WhatsApp group, you said Jesus has already liberated us from our sin. It was from Paul's letter to the Ephesians. This has helped me to understand that my true personality which delights in anger and resentment was crucified for over 2000 years. I was totally set free.

“I understood that it was up to me simply by faith to lean on the ‘already accomplished’ work of the Lord so that it could impact my life daily. Now I recommend this WhatsApp group to everyone. May the Lord bless all those who contribute to the life of this work, from far and near.”

Today let’s thank God that He is bigger than our circumstances and our feelings. Ask Him to guide us when anger controls our lives:

Father, thank You that Your peace surpasses our understanding. When anger, resentment, and bitterness rise within us, call us back to Yourself. Fill us with Your perfect peace as we set our minds on You. We invite Your Holy Spirit to control us from the inside out. May we reflect Your character and the instruction of Your Word to be quick to listen and slow to anger. In the name of Jesus we ask this, amen.

God’s Word gives a family in Cabo Verde a new vision for life. Hop aboard and join us for their story tomorrow.                                           

Listen here to TTB-Fongbe.