World Prayer Today

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What are you gaining through studying God’s Word?

September 30, 2022

A new heart, a new life, a new purpose, renewed faith, strength in a storm, encouragement when you need it most? What has God given you as we study His Word? A listener in Cabo Verde shares his story:

“We are blessed as a family for listening to this program together. It is our favorite. My life has changed because of THRU the BIBLE. I was a Christian, but I was living with compromise. After studying the Bible with you, my understanding of being a Christian changed radically! Before I used to think that being a Christian is just attending Sunday service. You gave me a new vision of the kingdom of God. I cannot wait to find what comes next. It seems like God’s gifts are endless as we read the Bible.”

God’s Word is His gift to us. Full of truth, conviction, passion, and love from God to anyone who will listen.

Today, jot down the many wonderful things He’s given and revealed to you as you’ve sought Him in His Word. Read your list aloud and thank Him for each one. (Our friend in Cabo Verde could write down, “He promises us a future!” See 1 Corinthians 2:9.)  While you do, thank Him for all those who join us on the Bible Bus in Cabo Verde. Pray for more to join us.

We’ve got more to pray about next week as God’s Word continues to go out. Join us here for the amazing journey!

Listen here to TTB-African Portuguese.