World Prayer Today

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Praying for difficult conversations

October 26, 2022

Not all letters from fellow Bible Bus passengers are success stories. However, all of them are a chance to build relationships—like this one from Renata in Switzerland:

“I’m a teenage girl, and I’ve got a bad relationship with God. Once I was in love with Him, but all that is happening around me (war, mean people, Covid-19) makes me wonder if there is any God taking care of me, of us. God should be peace, love, comfort, don’t you think that? How can you continue to believe? I listen, but I’ve grown skeptical. Please answer as honestly as you can.”

Pray for listeners like Renata and all those on THRU the BIBLE’S support team who answer their emails, texts, and phone calls. Through their discussions, may God be glorified and hearts be opened to see the path to Him … even in the most difficult situations.

And if you share Renata’s questions, please download a couple of our free digital booklets that can help. We’ve got several to recommend (and even more at

We’ve got more to pray about tomorrow. Meet us in Czechia.

Listen here to TTB-Italian.