World Prayer Today

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God’s hand in Yemen is evident

October 31, 2022

Bombings, displacements, lack of clean water, rampant disease, corruption, food scarcity … these are just a few of the crises facing people in Yemen today. And, as we’ve learned on previous World Prayer journeys, life for Christians is even more difficult.

Despite these grim realities, God’s hand and heart can clearly be seen in Yemen. Rejoice in this recent story (it’s a long one, but so good):

“I'm a 33-year-old employee in the private sector. I grew up in a Muslim family, a Muslim community, and a country whose laws are derived from Sharia Islam, so I became a Muslim according to the inheritance system, not according to choice and conviction.

“For 22 years I have been spiritually empty. I was confused and depressed by a religion that incites hatred, murder, and intimidation and fuels the soul against those who oppose it. I saw a God who does not respond to me, does not hear me, and does not see me. He does not talk to me. Islam is a closed, intolerant religion.

“I was fed up with all this, so I decided to leave and embrace the idea of atheism. I denied the existence of God, and I set myself up as a god over myself. I lived like this for five years, then despair took over and I decided to commit suicide. While I was about to kill myself, Jesus appeared to me with a white face, shining in light, and pure white clothes. He stretched out His hand to me and smiled at me. He told me to follow Him and then He disappeared. I immediately looked on the Internet to search for Christ. I downloaded the Holy Bible and somehow felt directed to the Gospel of John. I read the entire first chapter.

“As I was reading and crying, a strange peace was poured out on me. I sent a message to Christian people on social media, and one reply came from Iraq. I chatted with her, and she introduced me to a brother from Lebanon. I chatted with him, and he introduced me to a brother from Yemen. I did not know there were Christians in Yemen. I now listen to your programs and am grateful to correspond with you.”

Keep praying team! Keep believing in God’s power to draw even the hardest hearts to Himself in Yemen and throughout the Middle East. Come boldly before His throne asking for His name to be heard and glorified throughout the entire country.

We’ve got more bold prayers for the Middle East tomorrow in Azerbaijan.

Listen here to TTB-Arabic.