World Prayer Today

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The people of Jordan need Jesus

November 02, 2022

“You are worthy … for You were slain, and have redeemed us to God by Your blood out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation.” -Revelation 5:9 

The people of Jordan need Jesus but reaching them is difficult. We need to pray! 

Welcome, prayer team. Today as we travel on our knees through the land that Jesus, Job, Moses, and Abraham all walked, we thank God for His Word heard on THRU the BIBLE in the Middle East. While 98% of Jordanians are Muslim and 14 of 21 people groups have never heard of Jesus, we are encouraged that God is at work. Consider these stories of those who join us on the Bible Bus in Arabic: 

  • “I’ve listened for a while and want to know more about your book [the Bible]. Where can I get one?”
  • “Thank you for your words of explanation, how can I know the Bible is true?”
  • “I have heard your teaching and understand that it is the true Word from God. I have refused everything that has to do with my old religion and decided to follow Jesus! But my family rejects me. Please pray for me and for them.” 

Today as we rejoice in the work of the Holy Spirit in the lives of these listeners, thank God that every Muslim is someone God loves and one for whom Jesus died. Ask Him to use His Word to reach more people in Jordan and for His Spirit to open their minds and hearts to the truth that salvation is only found in a relationship with Jesus Christ. 

There’s a lot more to pray about in the Middle East. Join us tomorrow as we travel to Qatar.

Listen here to TTB-Arabic.