World Prayer Today

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Who are you becoming?

November 07, 2022

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. -2 Corinthians 5:17

As you study God’s Word and follow Jesus, who are you becoming? A listener in Malawi tells us his story:

“Each time I listen to Thru the Bible in my language of Chichewa; God takes me from one step of faith to another. I am a new person now; my thoughts, character, and behavior have changed since I started listening to this program. I pray to become more like Jesus every day. As my knowledge of Him grows and my heart is shaped by His, my desire is to be a pastor. What should I do?

Let’s echo that prayer for ourselves and for each of our fellow travelers on the Bible Bus. As we study God’s Word together, may we too desire to become more like Jesus every day. Ask God to give us the discipline and the desire to study His Word and be renewed as He changes our hearts and our wills to want only what He wants for our lives.

Somalia is a spiritual battlefield. Hear more about how God is advancing His Word tomorrow as we travel together on our knees.

Listen here to TTB-Chichewa.