World Prayer Today

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Broken in the best of ways

December 07, 2022

“You need Jesus. You need to turn your life over to the Spirit of God, yield to Him, and let Him do for you what you can’t do for yourself.” -Dr. J. Vernon McGee from the digital booklet “Living the Christian Life God’s Way

Today on the Bible Bus we’re traveling through Romans chapter 8. Julie in Idaho tells us why this passage is so important to her:

“I had fallen into the hands of the world, my selfish flesh, and the evil one. When I was at my lowest, I turned on my car radio and heard Dr. McGee’s voice declaring Romans 8:1 over me:—'There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.’ Oh, my heart broke in such a good way! That was 12 years ago, and Jesus remains on the throne of my heart! Thank you and bless you all in bringing the whole Word to the whole world … including me.”

Dr. McGee is right, we all need Jesus. Praise God that a life that pleases Him is lived by His power, not our own. As we study His Word together, ask Him to make you more dependent on Him and to bring you to a place where, like Julie, you are broken in the “best of ways” and rest completely in His power and not your own.

Want to know about how to let go and let God’s Spirit guide you? Download Dr. McGee’s free booklet, “Living the Christian Life God’s Way.”         

Romans 5:8 becomes real. Hear more tomorrow as we travel to Nepal.