World Prayer Today

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The power of James 4:8

December 15, 2022

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. -James 4:8

Welcome, World Prayer Team. Today as we praise God in Uttar Pradesh, India, a listener named Anurag tells us how God got his attention through His Word:

“I was brought up in a Christian family but was a drunk and engaged in lots of bad behavior. The pastor of our church visited my home and tried several times to counsel me, but I always took it for granted. Though, I always went to church to keep up appearances. I was earning well and spent all this in drinking alcohol and in other evil things. One day my mother turned on the radio and your program was about to begin. The pastor read the powerful words in James 4:8.

“After listening to these words, I felt that someone said these words directly to me. Further the preacher explained in detail about sin, the sacrifice of Jesus, redemption, and salvation. I was convicted and afraid. For several days I was restless, and finally I decided to draw closer to God. I repented of my sins and asked Jesus to be the Lord of my life. I immediately found an internal peace I never had before. I started taking an active role in church activities, conducting youth meetings, and encouraging youth to draw closer to the Lord. I am no longer double minded. My entire focus is solely on the Lord. Please pray I can help others do the same.”

Isn’t that a great story? Thank God for the way He speaks to each of us through His Word. Pray today more people in Uttar Pradesh hear it today on THRU the BIBLE and choose to draw closer to Him.

God’s Word is sowing seeds in unlikely places. Rejoice with us tomorrow on World Prayer Today.