World Prayer Today

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“I showed hatred towards God, but in return He showed His great love towards me”

December 29, 2022

On THRU the BIBLE today we celebrate how God is faithfully moving the ministry ahead, especially in India.

Let’s continue to rejoice in this good news as we share this story from a listener named Babu:

“For eight years I have suffered from a brain tumor. The pain was excruciating, and I became weaker day by day. I was broken and lost all hope. Unexpectedly, three months ago, a friend visited my home. Seeing my suffering and helplessness, he introduced me to your program in the hope that I would be encouraged. I eagerly asked him the timings, as I needed distraction from my sickness.

“The first day the speaker dealt with the subject of faith and hope in the Lord Jesus Christ. While hearing this encouraging message, my heart rejoiced in the Lord, and I was strengthened by the Word of God. I was inspired and motivated by the message. I listened to the full message, and during the prayer time, I cried bitterly and prayed to God for my healing.

In the past, I lived a notorious life. I begged for mercy and sympathy from God. After that I felt a great change. I was no longer hopeless and went to my doctor appointments with faith. Soon after this I received good news—my tumor seemed to be shrinking. It is unbelievable to me that I showed hatred towards the Lord Jesus, but in return He showed His great love towards me. To God be the glory.”

Thank God for His saving grace in this listener’s life and all those who have come to faith in Him this year. May His name be celebrated to the ends of the earth, His Word believed, and all creation praise His name.

Our 2022 prayer journey ends tomorrow and then we begin again. Don’t miss the grand finale!

Listen here to TTB-Tamil.