World Prayer Today

Welcome to World Prayer Today, a gateway to a global community united every day in prayer. Join our prayer team below to receive daily emails.

The dawn of a new adventure

December 30, 2022

What has this year of prayer and praise meant to you? Has God changed your heart as you’ve cried out for the hearts and lives of others?

Through the stories we’ve shared, do you see your own any clearer? As you’ve drawn closer to Him, has He drawn closer to you?

If you’ve been with us for very long, you likely know that the one who benefits the most from our prayers is each one of us. We know that’s our story and hope that’s your story, too.

Since THRU the BIBLE continues to take the whole Word to the whole world because of the prayer commitment of our listening family, we value your partnership in prayer more than anything else. In fact, we count on it in 2023.

Thank you for your fellowship and faithfulness. We can’t wait to hear from you. Every story is taken to heart and celebrated.

Will you send us your story today? Email [email protected] and together we’ll get the Word out. 

Get ready to begin again! On Monday the 2023 adventure begins right here. Stay for the journey and invite your friends into the blessing of praying for and with each other every day at