World Prayer Today

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God isn’t done opening doors; pray with us…

January 23, 2023

As we’ve learned on previous prayer treks through northern Europe, although 80% of Finland’s population identifies as Christian, church attendance remains low (about 3% weekly) and Islam and fringe religions are growing. Today pray for God’s Word as it goes out on the radio in Finnish and is accessed in a variety of other languages, reaching listeners like Eyla:

“Although I live in Finland, Russian is my mother tongue. The most precious thing to me is the Word of God, the Holy Bible. Your program helps me to better understand it better, to grow in my faith, and to understand others and myself. Living abroad, it is so important to hear the Word in my own language—the language I pray in, the language of my dreams. I thank You for this gift and pray you continue to reach many people with programs in their languages as well.”

Last year THRU the BIBLE celebrated the wonderful milestone of seeing Dr. McGee’s systematic teaching available in more than 200 languages. Together let’s thank Him for the impact and watch in anticipation, as He is not done listening to our prayers and opening doors for His whole Word to be heard throughout the whole world.

Sometimes when we feel like we have nothing, God’s Word becomes everything. That’s what we discover tomorrow as the World Prayer Team prays throughout North America.