World Prayer Today

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“God sees, God cares, and God speaks”

January 26, 2023

“God sees, God cares, and God speaks. That’s the good news we hear from a patient in a hospital in Zimbabwe. She says:

“People like me who have gone through hip replacement stay longer in the hospital. I was frightened and was completely alone. I am so grateful for the Word of God that you give on THRU the BIBLE in this hospital. I was touched by the fact that through believing in Jesus Christ, l get a new life and one day will have a new body! I do believe in Jesus Christ and would like to give my life to Him. Your teachings are helping me every day to know that God is with me, He loves me, and is speaking to me through these difficult circumstances. I pray others here will realize the same.”

It’s true God does see us. He does care. He does speak through His Word. Pray more people in Zimbabwe hear that good news today and choose the new life God offers us through a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Do you or someone you know need reassurance that God is with you? If you do, let Dr. McGee’s free booklet download, “Only God: When He is All You Have,” be an encouragement today.

We have a special message from Steve Shwetz tomorrow.