World Prayer Today

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Faith replaced my fears

February 23, 2023

Sow for yourselves righteousness;reap in mercy; break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord, till He comes and rains righteousness on you. -Hosea 10:12

As we traveled through the book of Numbers on the Bible Bus, we learned that God doesn’t let His children live in disobedience or indifference to Him. That’s the lesson Agon from Albania is learning too. Here’s his story:

“At the beginning of the pandemic the world was filled with fear, and so was I. Although I am a Christian, I did not feel strong and was unable to comfort and encourage my wife and children. I was paralyzed with worry and doubt. One day I heard your program and knew God was using Covid-19 as a wake up call from indifference to Him. To call me to action. To bring me back to righteousness.

“As I listened to your programs, I asked God to help me to grow. Not long after I felt faith replacing my fears. There are still many uncertainties in this world, but now I feel sure that our Lord will lead us through them. I am able to teach and encourage my children to trust you and know that our lives are in His hands. May God protect you in these difficult times and may He use you to awaken others before it’s too late.”

What a beautiful story of God’s faithfulness. Today thank God He uses the circumstances in our lives to wake us up and call us to obedience. As we ask Him to multiply the number of His faithful in Albania, thank Him for His promise in Hosea 10:12 to one day pour out his blessings and His righteousness over us as we pursue Him.

Our prayers are needed in Kosovo. Join us tomorrow as we travel on our knees.

Listen here to TTB-Albanian.