World Prayer Today

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God is there when it hurts

February 28, 2023

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort. -2 Corinthians 1:3

One of the important lessons we learn as we travel together on the Bible Bus is that God’s Word is a road map for our lives. In the high places, in the low valleys, in our strength and our weakness, God’s Word directs us. That’s what Ingrid in Quebec has also learned. Here’s her story:

“You program has been such a help to me and my mother. The book of Philippians has particularly helped my mother understand the death of my father. He died of cancer two years ago and it has been very difficult for her, knowing that he will not be coming back. For her, God’s Word is becoming a tool to depend on in her daily life. She has come to realize God is there when it hurts, and He is available to comfort her in her sorrow. For me, the program has also been a great blessing because every day I want to learn more and more about Him. I thank God for your lives and for this work which is so important. May God guide you, keep you, and bless you. We will continue praying for you and your homes.”

What a great story of God’s provision in difficult times. As God’s Word goes out today, thank Him that He is indeed the Father of mercies and the God of all comfort. Together let’s ask Him to pour out His gentleness and lovingkindness upon all those among us who are hurting.

Are you or someone you know facing a heartbreaking loss? For assurance that God is with us even in the most desperate hours of our lives, download Dr. McGee’s free booklet, ”For Those Who Grieve.”

Hear another great story and pray with us tomorrow as we continue our journey through North America.

Listen here to TTB-Canadian French.