World Prayer Today

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Have big feelings or deep sorrows? Bring them to God

March 02, 2023

“The Psalms are full of Christ. There is a more complete picture of Him in Psalms than in the Gospels. The Gospels tell us that He went to the mountain to pray, but the Psalms give us His prayer. The Gospels tell us that He was crucified, but the Psalms tell us what went on in His own heart during the crucifixion. The Gospels tell us He went back to heaven, but the Psalms begin where the Gospels leave off and show us Christ seated in heaven.” -Dr. J. Vernon McGee

If you’ve been aboard the Bible Bus as we’ve studied the Psalms, you know there’s something special about this book. In these pages we see Jesus in a way that goes beyond His life story, we learn that we can turn to Him with our big feelings and our deepest sorrows. In Psalms we discover that He is all we need. That’s what we heard from a listener of THRU the BIBLE’s Spanish programs. She writes:

“God bless you, all of you who in one way or another labor in the work of our God. May He continue to support you with the power of the Holy Spirit. At this moment I am studying the Psalms, and I have already studied other books, and all of them have been of great blessing.

“In Psalms, I have learned how much God loves me, and how great His mercy is for all of us. I know now that although we fail Him, He always gives us the way out of all our afflictions and listens as we lean on Him. He’s there as we scream, yell, and cry. He’s ready for us to give Him all we’ve got. Above all I have learned of His saving grace; He is our everything. To Him be the glory.”

As His Word goes out today, pray more people come to realize His mercy is abundant and His love is unending. May they learn to turn to Him with all they are feeling and thinking. He’s ready! Thank Him for that gift in your life as well.

Want to check out Dr. McGee’s study of Psalms for yourself? It’s available anytime here.

Will God ever stop loving us? That’s a question John in Michigan pondered. Read his story tomorrow right here.

Listen here to TTB-Spanish.