World Prayer Today

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God speaks; are you listening?

March 10, 2023

All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. -2 Timothy 3:16

If there’s one thing we’ve learned as we’ve traveled together on the Bible Bus, it’s that God speaks to us through His Word. Sometimes we’re encouraged, sometimes we’re instructed, and sometimes we’re corrected. That last one is especially hard, but it often leads to great things in our lives. That’s the story we hear today from Dara in Cambodia. He writes:

“God spoke to me through your program and called me back to church at a time when I was disappointed by our leader. It had been six months since I attended, but one day I was driving and listening to the radio on my way from Pursat to Phnom Penh. Your program alerted me to think more about my problems, and I was motivated to return. God changed my mind and my heart. I went back and have been so happy. I thank God for using His Word to help me understand my flawed thinking.”

How is God speaking to You through His Word? As You thank Him for that today, ask Him to bring more people in Cambodia aboard the Bible Bus so they too can experience the peace and joy that comes to knowing God is with them and directing them as He speaks through His Word.

There’s much to pray about next week. Join us on Monday in Saudi Arabia.

Listen here to TTB-Khmer.