World Prayer Today

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It’s impossible to lose everything

March 14, 2023

“Through a devastating house fire, God used His Word to teach me many valuable lessons.”

That what we hear from Neelofer as our World Prayer Team travels through Pakistan. She continues:

“I am 43 years old.God has given me a humble husband and obedient kids. Two months ago, our home was burned in an electrical fire. All our belongings were ruined, but God saved our family. It is very difficult to see your house burning. The fear and the sorrow began to gnaw at us. We were grateful we were not harmed, but losing everything was emotionally draining. The only thing that kept us going was your program. We began to listen more regularly than before, and the stories of Job encouraged us. We were reminded that even though he continually suffered, God was with him. Through this we realized that God was with us too. The lesson we learned was that we can never truly lose everything … that even in the worst possible situation, God is there. He is all we need. I thank the Lord for helping us recover from this disaster.”

Life doesn’t always go the way we plan. We may face trials and suffering that we simply do not understand. However, as Neelofer reminds us, it’s impossible to lose everything, because God is always with us.

As God’s Word goes out today in Pakistan, pray more people hear it and turn to Him in times of need. Like Job, may they cry out with their heartbreak and find He is beside them, listening and waiting to redeem them.

Join us tomorrow as we pray for the fatherless in Turkey.

Listen here to TTB-Urdu.