World Prayer Today

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Praying for the fatherless

March 15, 2023

A father of the fatherless, a defender of widows,is God in His holy habitation. God sets the solitary in families …. -Psalm 68:5-6

There’s no pain like family pain. When our earthly family relationships have been difficult or non-existent, it can be harder to see God for who He promises to be. But God is patient and faithful. That’s the story we hear from Esma in Turkey. She writes:

“I am 24 years old. I lost my parents as a child. My siblings and I grew up with my aunt and uncle. When we became adults, we rented a house for ourselves, but all of us lived our childhood in pain. After we moved to our own home, I realized how unworthy I feel. I started to continuously think about the past and the loss of my parents. I felt lonely, fearful, and desperate. After I started to listen to your program, my heart was calm. I recommended your programs also to my siblings. Because we didn’t have a father growing up, we were reluctant to trust God. But He touched our wounds and is helping us to move on. We began to see over and over in the Bible that He will be on our side and walk with us. I can’t describe to you what that means for us. We all accepted Christ in our hearts and are asking Him to be the Father we didn’t have.”

Today pray all those who need refuge run freely into the Father’s arms. Pray they learn to trust Him and realize He really is a hope for the abandoned, a refuge for the fearful, a Father to the fatherless.

God’s Word is going out in Iran and changing lives. Pray with us tomorrow.

Watch TTB-Turkish here.