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When waiting on God is downright difficult
March 17, 2023
No matter where we live, one of the biggest concerns—and heartaches—for many Christians is our family members who have not come to faith in Christ. That’s the story of Maat, a fellow Bible Bus passenger in Egypt. He writes:
“My brother is a very kindhearted human being. He and his wife are doctors, and our Lord blessed them in many ways: family, love, work, and children. My brother cares for many and gives his money to the poor generously and does not speak of it. He and his family have everything except for Christ. I have prayed for the salvation of himself and his family for more than 25 years. I have tried repeatedly to talk to him about his urgent need to surrender to the Lord, but he refuses, saying, ‘I have everything, and I do not need Him.’ I am concerned for his destiny. How can I keep praying? I am overwhelmed.”
Maat isn’t alone. Waiting on God to move in the lives of those we love is downright difficult. When we see no change of heart in those we are praying for, we may begin to doubt that God really cares or that our prayers will ever bear fruit.
At these times we need to be reminded of the truth revealed in the gospel, that our God loves to save! Remind yourself of that today, and as we study on the Bible Bus, pray the Holy Spirit reminds our fellow passengers of the same thing: God loves to save. Together may we believe it, wait on it, and rest in it.
Meet a new listener aboard the Bible Bus in Cameroon on Monday. We’ll meet you there.
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