World Prayer Today

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Don’t miss the good stuff in God’s Word

March 22, 2023

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God. -Romans 12:2

“I was unaware of what I was missing. There is so much good stuff in God’s Word.”

That’s the story we hear from a listener in Angola as we pray our way through middle Africa this week. He continues:

“We are blessed as a family, and this is our favorite program we have ever listened to. Our lives our changed as a result of studying God’s Word. I was a Christian, but I lived in compromise. After listening to this program, my understanding of being a Christian changed radically. Before, I used to think that being a Christian was just attending Sunday service. You have given me a new vision of the kingdom of God.”

Thank God for His Word that transforms our view of the world and our lives. Pray more people in Angola hear it and begin to mature in faith. As we study His Word together may we too be given a new vision of His kingdom and learn to live our lives for His purposes and glory.

The consequences of sin aren’t worth it. That’s what we’re talking and praying about tomorrow. Join as our journey through middle Africa continues next time.

Listen here to TTB-African Portuguese.