World Prayer Today

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Don’t let the details of life derail and distract you

March 31, 2023

 “But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you.” -John 14:26

“No matter where I’ve gone, God’s Word has always been with me.” That’s the important message we hear from Janit as our journey through Oceania comes to an end. She writes:

“From Iraq to Syria to New Zealand, your programs have been with me since I was a little girl. In Iraq, I used to sit next to the radio at night learning from the Word of God. And then I went to Syria and continued listening. I was eager to keep learning through your program and understand what the Lord wanted me to do and be.

“After Syria, I emigrated to New Zealand three years ago, but I couldn’t find your radio programs. When I found a job and could buy a cell phone, I found the app and therefore I found your beloved episodes! So, after telling you all this, I want to tell you that I am with Jesus, close, and in a good relationship with Him all because of you. I sure couldn’t have made it without your program! I thank the Lord for each one of you.”

Thank God for those like Janit—and each of you—who faithfully seek Him in His Word, despite the many circumstances and details of life that can derail and distract. As we board the Bible Bus together, may His Spirit continue to teach and remind us of all we have learned along the journey.

Our countdown to Resurrection Sunday starts next week with some incredible stories.