World Prayer Today

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Good news from Pakistan

May 09, 2023

He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the companion of fools will be destroyed. -Proverbs 13:20

“When I heard about Jesus and God, I was shocked. The presentation was very extreme.”

That’s the story we hear from a gentleman in Pakistan, but the rest of his letter is good, good news. He continues:

“Somehow even though I was a bit offended, I was still curious. That’s when I found your programs in Urdu. There I heard about how much God loves us, so He sent His Son for our pardon. That made more sense. Thank you for continuing to teach us. Our entire family comes together and we sit near one another to learn. We want to be wise in our new faith and pray God continues to enlighten us with your words. What we are hearing is changing our lives.”

Thank God for this family and so many others who hear God’s Word and puts it into practice. Together let’s pray we too seek His wisdom in all situations and walk with others who keep us focused on His Word.

Lord, thank You for Your wisdom that is so readily available to us in Your Word. Give us eyes to see You and ears to hear You as we study together. Help us be steadfast to open Your Word daily and choose to walk with those who also follow You. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Knowing about God versus knowing God. A listener in Tripura, India discovers the difference. Hear her story tomorrow on World Prayer Today.

Listen here to TTB-Urdu.