World Prayer Today

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Giving what we’ve got

May 11, 2023

So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. -2 Corinthians 9:7

Hop aboard the Bible Bus this month as we travel through 2 Corinthians and you’ll hear Paul talk about the benefits believers receive when they wholeheartedly and happily give to God’s work. That’s also the story we heard from a family that studies God’s Word with us in Nepal. They write:

“We live in a slum area. All our family members work on the side of the river to collect sand and stone to sell for survival. The work is hard and hours are long, but we have fullness of joy in our lives since we became believers three years ago. We are a large family and love to listen together. Afterward, we sit and count the many good things God has done in our lives. In spite of all our struggling and scarcity, we come together and contribute small gifts for the ministry. We have kept offering boxes and consider ourselves blessed to take part.”

What a great example. Today praise God for cheerful givers like this family and all those who provide a tank of gas or wheels for the Bible Bus as it rolls along. As we examine our hearts and our wallets, may we too give to God’s Word out of a sense of abundance and gratitude.

Want to learn more about what Dr. McGee says about Christian living and giving? Download our 2 Corinthians Bible Companion. You’ll be engaged by Dr. McGee’s out of the box thinking and fresh approach.

Tomorrow we’re praying for God’s Word as it goes out in the language of Kannada. We’ll meet you here.

Listen here to TTB-Nepali.