World Prayer Today

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Giving up witchcraft and gaining freedom in God

July 06, 2023

Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage. -Galatians 5:1

We are saved by faith—not by anything we do for God or any manner of life we try to attain. That’s what we’re learning together in our new study of Galatians, and that’s what a listener in Madagascar is learning, too. Here’s his story:

“For years I have followed the religion of my family. We have worshipped our ancestors and participated in witchcraft. But now, thanks to you, I know that God’s Word is true. I have followed your direction to receive Jesus, and I see a real change in my life. I praise His name and I am no longer a slave to the past and to my rituals. This is what it means to be free.”

God is good! Together let’s pray more people in Madagascar give up their slavery to false beliefs and gain their freedom in God:

Father, thank You for freeing us from the guilt and power of sin. Thank You for liberating us from trying to earn our salvation. We trust that You will empower and transform us by Your Spirit. Today as Your Word goes out in Madagascar, we ask many will hear it. By the Spirit's power, we pray they will leave their sinful pasts behind, and find the freedom You offer us through a relationship with Your Son, Jesus. It’s in His name we pray, amen.

A pastor learns the power of teaching God’s Word with gentleness. Hear his story tomorrow in Ethiopia.

Listen here to TTB-Malagasy.