World Prayer Today

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Praying for the Hmong in Vietnam

August 02, 2023

Welcome, prayer travelers. Today as our journey through southeastern Asia continues, we head to the remote mountains of Vietnam and thank God for the work He’s doing in the hearts of His people who speak several dialects of the Hmong language.

As a quick recap from previous journeys, an estimated 350,000 Hmong in Vietnam have turned to Christ in just the past few decades. Many heard the gospel from radio broadcasts. Credible reports of entire villages putting their faith in Christ are common among those who travel to the remote areas where the Hmong live. With so many new believers, there is a great need to ground them in the Word of God. Some believers have very little access to Bibles and systematic teaching of the Word of God.

As part of the team, here are a few ways you can partner in prayer:

  1. Praise God that production of our new TTB-Hmong programs (in several dialects) are progressing well and becoming very popular.
  2. Pray that production will continue to move forward and that hearts are prepared to hear God’s Word and the good news of salvation through faith in Christ.
  3. Pray for the fruitfulness of three Vietnamese languages—Hmong, Yao, and Jarai—that are currently distributed through SD memory cards and speaker boxes to thousands of listeners.
  4. Pray for the ongoing translation and production work of our Hmong producers. They live and work in a very difficult and spiritually oppressive environment. Ask for God’s blessing and protection as they translate Dr. McGee’s messages into their heart languages.
  5. Pray for the leaders who are building and expanding the content delivery system that will allow the Hmong listeners to grow deeper in their faith.

There’s a lot to pray about tomorrow in Timor Leste. Grab your Bible and come along for the ride.