World Prayer Today

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God’s way is better

August 18, 2023

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.” -Isaiah 55:8-9

Welcome, Prayer Team. Today our travels bring us to Tamil Nadu, where we visit with a listener named Mrs. S. who shares:

“My husband is a lorry driver. He used to come home only once a week. I was very lonely and disillusioned with my life. That’s when I began listening to your programs. In them, I found comfort during my husband's absence.

“We now live in a remote village. I share God’s Word with many people here and direct them to your teaching. Quite a few have gotten to taste the love of Jesus Christ. Each week a group of women gets together in our village church for prayer. For many of us life is different than we thought, but as we study and worship together, we find God is more than we anticipated. We have learned to trust in His ways and delight in His provision. Kindly remember us in your prayers.”

What a great reminder. Life doesn’t always turn out how we think it will, but when we focus on the Lord and join in fellowship with others who love Him, it can be more beautiful than we expect. Today as we pray for more people in Tamil Nadu to hear God’s Word and surrender to His will for their lives, let’s submit ours to Him as well.

Father, forgive us for doubting You or even trying to tell You at times what is best for us. Help us to remember that You have a perfect plan and purpose for all Your children. Keep our knees bent before You and our hearts open to the wonderful things You have promised us. We know Your ways are better and higher and thank You for all You are doing on our behalf. In the precious name of Jesus we pray, amen.

How do you live a godly life in this messy world? Join us on Monday as a listener in Japan shares her secret.