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God’s Word protects and provides
August 30, 2023
Need some encouragement today? Edgardo and Ruby in Colombia have a message for all of us:
“Thank you for all the blessings we have received through such a wonderful program. We feel joyful, because the study of the Word of God has strengthened us and has allowed us to continue on the path despite the adversities and detours that the world, the flesh, and the enemy have wanted to place before us. We urge all listeners to continue in God’s Word. It is a protection and provision uniquely designed to help us walk through this world. We pray more souls and hearts know of God and His Word through these Bible teachings every day.”
That’s great advice. Thank God for the protection and provision we gain from studying His Word. And, like Edgardo and Ruby, let’s pray more people hop aboard the Bible with us each day. May they too come to know the meaning and joy found in a life lived with and for Him.
A listener in Paraguay struggles with envy. Hear her story tomorrow as we travel on our knees.
Listen here to TTB-Spanish.