World Prayer Today

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Building a legacy of faith

September 07, 2023

“There is a point in a man’s life when he realizes he needs to make his faith his own.”

That’s the start of an email we received from Paul in Odisha, India. He continues:

“I grew up with parents who were faithful to God and loved me so much. But as I got older and listened to your messages, I realized I needed a personal faith. A faith in the Lord that had nothing to do with my parents and everything to do with my own commitment to the Lord. My parents were patient with me as I wrestled with questions, and God was, too. My mother went to be with the Lord in 2018. My father and I still listen together. Today despite dealing with a tumor in the spinal cord, my faith is stronger than ever. I have two small children, and my wife and I are now raising them in the ways of the Lord. Please pray for us and for them. I ask the Lord daily that one day they will choose to make this faith their own.”

What a great legacy! Today let’s join Paul and his wife in praying for their children and the children of all our fellow Bible Bus passengers:

Father, thank You for the precious gift of <name> in our lives. Of all the things we want for him/her, it’s faith in Your Son Jesus that we hope for the most.

We pray Your Spirit reminds him/her of who You are—whispering about all the things You have done and all the things You promise to do. At every turn, at every crossroad, at every milestone lead him/her back to You. Make Your presence known and Your comfort real.

As the world pulls, protect <name> from false beliefs and give him/her wisdom to hold fast to their faith. Thank you for Your promise that all he/she has learned from Your Word will not return void (Isaiah 55:11). Help him/her to learn to trust You and become well-guarded and well-grounded in faith so he/she becomes strong, courageous and does everything in love (1 Corinthians 16:13-14).

Please work in <name’s> heart as only You can. Knock loudly and persistently until the door is opened and You are Lord and Savior of his/her life. In the powerful name of Jesus we pray, amen.

We received a surprising note from Afghanistan. Read it with us tomorrow.